New projects will be added here as they are completed.
Undergraduate Course Project, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Department of Computer Engineering , Rafsanjān, Kerman, Iran, [February, 01, 2022]
Working with the following topics:
Pandas, Numpy (basic Libraries)
Standard Scaler, MinMax Scaler, Robust Scaler, OneHot Encoder, LabelEncoder, PCA (Data Pre Processing)
Apriori Algorithm (Association Rule Mining)
Matplotlib, Seaborn (Data Visualization)
K-Means, Agglomerative Clustering, DBSCAN (Clustering)
K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm (Classifier)
Decision Tree, Support Vector Machines, Multi-Layer Perceptron (Machine Learning)
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Undergraduate Course Project, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Department of Computer Engineering , Rafsanjān, Kerman, Iran, [September, 01, 2021]
A project regarding the Database course. This project consists of:
Initial Information Gathering for building a database
Enhanced entity-relationship model
Relational Model
SQL codes for implementing and setting up this database
Admin and Model codes for setting up and connecting the database to Django
Python codes to analyze, gather helpful information out of the database, and plot them via matplotlib
some extra SQL codes to learn and master the SQL itself
Undergraduate Course Project, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Department of Computer Engineering , Rafsanjān, Kerman, Iran, [September, 01, 2021]
Designing and implementation of:
A Simple Python-based compiler (The principles of Compiler Design)
Round Robin time scheduling algorithm (Operating Systems)
The assembly language implementation of a banking system (Microprocessors and Assembly language)
VHDL codes of diffrent parts of a basic computer (Digital Systems Design)
A BCD to 7 Segment Decoder (Digital Logic Circuit Design)
A comparison among Python, Cython, and the C languages (Programming Language Design)
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Undergraduate Course Project, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Department of Computer Engineering , Rafsanjān, Kerman, Iran, [September, 01, 2021]
Designing and implementation of:
BFS, DFS, IDS, UCS (Uninformed Search Strategies)
8 Puzzle solver using A* & IDA (Informed Heuristic
Search Strategies)
genetic algorithms, simulated annealing (Local Search)
Min-Max, Alpha–Beta (Adversarial Search)
classification of a dataset (Basic Machine Learning)
knowledge representation using prolog (knowledge-based system)
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Undergraduate Course Project & For Fun!, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Department of Computer Engineering & Null References: Game Development Team , Rafsanjān & Kerman & Yazd, Iran, [February, 01, 2021]
Uncertainty is an action-adventure space-shooter game, and currently, It’s under development.
We have utilized the beta version of this game as our ”Software Engineering Lab” course project.
Our game is an open-source game hosted on GitHub.
It’s made with Unity3D
Currently, our team isn’t at its peak since all its members are busy at university. Still, we’re looking forward to continuing the Uncertainty and eventually finishing it when we’re free.
This project consists of:
Carefully used design patterns
Followed the SOLID principles in codes
Project Requirements
Project Needs assessment
Project Scenario
Usecase Diagram
Activity Diagram
Class Diagram
Sequence Diagram
Eye-catching art and 3D models
Scalable and reusable codebase
Gameplay Screenshot
Undergraduate Course Project, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Department of Computer Engineering , Rafsanjān, Kerman, Iran, [February, 01, 2021]
Designing and implementation of:
The Scrapy Crawler (Crawling)
Inverted Index Construction using BSBI Algorithm (Indexing)
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Undergraduate Course Project, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Department of Computer Engineering , Rafsanjān, Kerman, Iran, [September, 01, 2020]
Designing and implementation of:
The Closest Pair of Points Problem (Divide & Conquer)
Sudoku Solver (Backtracking)
Tournament Scheduler (Divide & Conquer)
Huffman Coding (Greedy)
Bellman–Ford (Dynamic Programming)
Matrix Chain Multiplication (Dynamic Programming)
N-Queens Solver (Backtracking)
Travelling Salesman Problem (Dynamic Programming)
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Just for fun!, Null References: Game Development Team , Kerman, Iran, [July, 01, 2020]
Projects that I worked on:
Mad-Birds (A Angry Birds clone made using Unity)
3rd-person-playground (A 3D third-person Demo made in Unity3D)
Unity logo
Just for fun!, Null References: Game Development Team , Kerman & Yazd, Iran, [February, 01, 2020]
Designing and implementation of:
A-star path finding algorithm in Unity3D
Astar logo
Just for fun!, Available on Github , Kerman, Iran, [December, 01, 2019]
A simple Notepad (made using C++ Qt framework)
A GUI calculator (made using C++ Qt framework)
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Undergraduate Course Project, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Department of Computer Engineering , Rafsanjān, Kerman, Iran, [September, 01, 2019]
Designing and implementation of:
the Red-Black Tree (self-balancing binary search tree)
the AVL Tree (self-balancing binary search tree)
the Trie Dictionary (k-ary search tree)
the Sparse Matrix via Linked List (Linked List)
the Rat in the maze problem (Backtracking & Stacks)
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